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Category: Music

  • The Rat

    The Rat

    For the last release off “Rat Songs Vol. 3” we present our version of “The Rat” by the Walkmen. Spread the love


  • Chicago Rat Hole Blues

    Chicago Rat Hole Blues

    Listen here Ode to the Chicago Rat Hole Whenever we would roll into Chicago to play a gig, it was tradition to make our way to Roscoe Village to pay our respects to a fallen comrade, forever enshrined in concrete along a sidewalk off West Roscoe Street. We would leave tokens of our love and…


  • Rat Songs vol 1

    Rat Songs vol 1

    We still have a few limited edition CDs of “Rat Songs Vol. 1” available for purchase through the website! Each one comes with an autographed photo of Janky, Cranky, and Todd, stickers, and other goodies (while supplies last). Contact us at: and we’ll get you on the fast track to owning what will surely…


  • Rat pFink a Boo Boo/ Rat Fink

    Rat pFink a Boo Boo/ Rat Fink

    What do you get when you take a song from a forgettable movie from the 1960s and slam it into a song by a punk band from the 80s? You get this: Janky breaks it all down for you in this new video! Spread the love


  • Rats in the Cellar

    Rats in the Cellar

    Dead City Rats got together recently with some guest musicians, and honorary Rats, to record our version of Aerosmith’s, “Rats in the Cellar”. Crammin’ so much talent into a hole-in-the-wall studio took some effort but we managed to pull off a version that, in my humble opinion, rivals that of the original. Former Beautiful Authentic…


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